What other choices of motherboards ?

What other choices do I have for motherboards ? Can I use 32bit boards like MKS 1,4 or SKR 1,3?

Is there any firmaware that works with 32 bit boards ?

They supported boards are … supported. The other boards will likely work, but you will also likely have to tweak the firmware to match. It come down to your confidence in your skills as a coder, if you think you can handle the changes needed any of the boards designed for a 3D printer or CNC that can run Marlin will work.


Building Marlin for 32 bit platforms is now almost as easy as it was with Arduino on 8 bit. The build and upload is done automatically via VSCode or Atom with the platformio ide. The Marlin guys have done a terrific job here!

The forum won’t allow links but there is a good tutorial that you can find by googling “Marlin 2.0 Beginner Guide for 3D Printer Firmware”

I use the SKR 1.3 on my build. Works pretty well. Only remaining glitch is it doesn’t like the M00 pause command but I"m sure that’s a firmware hiccup I can fix.

See the details here: MPCNC Build Complete (until my next good idea)

Very nice build! I hope mine comes out that well. Which LCD did you use?

A TFT35V2. I got a kit like this: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33030912565.html?spm=2114.12010615.8148356.16.1ac73f4fZmRpX4