What would you want to see in a new lowrider build?

Take my money!!

i mean, share all your hard work for free and hope the universe returns some love to you for it one day

Have we said thanks lately? Thanks Ryan :slight_smile:


But really though feel free to keep taking pics!


Hot dog that is a lot of printed and cut parts for a gantry? Looks super sturdy and maybe following the printnc approach to build good enough then use it to upgrade?


Nice frame, is that surf, or smoke?


It’s an old framed poster from my early days. La Roca Bruja, Arron Chang. I dreamed of going there to tune up my backside snaps.

It is getting close.

If you have an opinion on licensing, let’s hear it over here, New machine Licensing

InkedSchermafbeelding 2022-04-09 200252_LI

is this an unwanted teaser too?
Looks like a tube instead of skatewheels, with mounted onto it a belt tensioner - no?
Would be a good upgrade I suspect :slight_smile:

Will it be possible to mill those parts out of 18mm plywood instead of printing it?
Figure why not use a LR to make a new LR :slight_smile:

Now I am starting to doubt, if I should upgrade my L2, or abandon it and look for the LR3 :s


Must… Not… Reveal… Spoilers…

Well, for the parts in the picture, I can’t see it being easy to mill these because of the bolt holes through at right angles. It would be difficult without 5 axis milling… But might be possible with a really good jig, I suppose…

I think some of us have discovered that the LR2 is more capable than we previously thought. I might not invest a lot in upgrading the LR2 yet, but I would not stop building it if I had the parts in hand.


You know i have not seen the entire machine but can you make that void your logo?

Oops thought i was replying to Ryans pic!

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The other void is already my logo…still triangular though.


Reminds me of the beginning of an old Dr. Who episode.
Just need to get it spinning.
But back to the original premise of this whole thread - What would you want to see in a new lowrider build?

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Title says DW611 tool mount but files are named Makita tool mount? Are they compatible?

Aww crud. Yes, I forgot Fusion does things a bit different.

3mf Embeds that in the file itself as well. Grrrrr.

Because you made the Makita mounts first, I guess. Renaming the bodies in the Fusion takes care of that, but you have to rename it in at least 2 places. Three if you used components. I think I came across something like that in the Repeat CAD.


Oh yes! Can we start printing :rofl::rofl::rofl::pleading_face:


I’ve just happily deleted my LR2 alternative dust pickup modelling! :smiley:


So a week later but still a Monday :slight_smile:
I tried 12mm DOC, 70% stepover, 1/8 bit and it came out like this - 7 minutes and change

and a bit of sanding around the top edge

Then bumped it up to 10 mm/s and it skipped steps about 1/2 way though (see topmost logo). I didn’t calibrate or square my printer before printing any parts or check much after assembly (and this machine still works!) so that probably has something to do with it.


Easily get to the collet you say?? CNC race at 40 seconds easy (in the middle of the work area)??!!! This is sounding pretty awesome!