Whew... Almost done with the plastic!

WOW… Ok first off, let me say, the design of these parts are stunning. Ryan, you’re the man. These things are gorgeous! Love that logo. Going to definitely have it on my table, all loud and proud for everyone to see.

So I’m JUST ABOUT DONE with the plastic. I think I’m getting close to 60 hours of print time right now. I’m printing kinda slow, 40 mm/s @ 30% infill just because I want them to come out as close to perfect as I can get them. My Anet E10’s have definitely paid for themselves with this job haha

I also ordered my kit! I’m officially a member of the family now! I’m going to my shop tomorrow to cut the wood parts on my Maslow. Will update when I have something new to show. I will probably cut a few of each parts since I have extra lumber on hand in those sizes. So If anyone needs a set (providing the Maslow doesn’t mess up) I might have a couple extra.

Below… Great big ol’ box of plastic LowRider II parts. Currently printing the LCD box, and then I’ll start the Rambo Case then I’m DONE with the plastic!


Thanks, glad you like em!

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So how’d the build & first run go ??

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If I’m completely honest here, the table build was the hardest part. The machine was way easier to put together and get running than expected. With all the helpful people on the forums and the extremely detailed instructions pages, it was easy going.

Here is the thread that should be after this one. Here!

I had experience with CAD/CAM already so that wasn’t much of an issue.

First run was smooth as butter. I cute a small table/stool thing I downloaded some free plans off the web. You can check it out Here!

After that went so well, and I got a really good feel for my machine and software, I got super cocky and cut out 2 full size arcade cabinets… Both were perfect… You can see that Here!

I’m going this weekend to start cutting some 3D Yard Deer (you know the white ones people put in their yards during the holidays?) Which I’m expecting to go well. I’m a little rusty right now, and my machine has dust on it, and not from wood, due to the shutdowns and such related to the Rona.

Overall I give the machine’s ease of build, use, and reliability a 10/10. Some people have mentioned this would be a good starter cnc, an intro into the cnc world. But I’ve honestly got no problem keeping this as my only cnc machine. It’s a good one.