Why doesn't this line up?

For the life of me I can’t figure out what I would tighten or loosen in order to align my threaded rod with my stepper motor. What am I missing here?

What happens if you bolt the motor mounts to the other side of the Y plate?

I’m not sure what you mean. Everything here is attached as per diagram. Unless I am misunderstanding you

Hard to tell from the photo, but it looks like you have one of the YZ Roller assemblies in the wrong location. Note the width of the part where the tip of your thumb is in the photo. Now look at the opposite side. It looks like you have the thin part bolted to the Y plate. If so, that is incorrect, the wide part goes next to the MDF.

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Sorry, it looked like it was wrong in your photo above. Or maybe my eyes weren’t adequately caffeinated.

But make sure that you have everything organized correctly. The XZ chassis piece should have the motors facing outwards, away from the router chassis. The “teardrop” points should be outwards.

The YZ rollers are also asymmetrical. The bottom ones are keyed, but the top ones that hold the wheels aren’t See what happens if you swap those around. The Z rails should be parallel to the Y plate.

Edit: Looks like @CircuitFlyer reached the same conclusion while I was typing

This was the issue. Thanks to you and Dan. As a newbie to all this my mind has gone a little mush but its reassembled, my movement tests worked and now I am extending the cables, getting my electronics box together etc.

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