Z axis zeroing using V1Pi and no LCD display

I feel like my brain is vapor locked right now. Fortunately, I’ve collected some data which may help…

  1. Using SKR PRO V1.2 from V1Engineering.
  2. XY and Z axes all work as expected.
  3. Using V1Pi on a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ connected to SKR PRO V1.2 via Ethernet cable. Using CNC.JS to control and gather info.
  4. Touch plate is connected to the proper connector on the SKR PRO and verified by using the G119 command:
    Ground lead (alligator clip) not touching the touch plate.
    > M119
    Reporting endstop status
    X_min: open
    Y_min: open
    Z_min: open
    Ground lead (alligator clip) touching the touch plate.
    > M119
    X_min: open
    Y_min: open
    Z_min: TRIGGERED
  5. Also verified physical connection to the Z_min connector by touching the ground lead to the touch plate and verifying that the red LED
    associated with the Z stepper motor flashed on and off (off) when the ground lead touched the touch plate.
  6. When I attempt to run the G38.2 command, or any of the G38 commands for that matter…
    > G38.2 Z10 F20
    Echo:Unknown command: “G38.2 Z10 F20”
  7. I am not using, nor do I have endstops installed on the X or Y axes.
  8. Can I used the Probe widget on CNC.JS to test the touch plate after it is enabled (assuming that’s what’s wrong and someone is
    going to explain how to correct the problem)?

Sorry, this is just one of those days when I feel totally brain dead. Probably shouldn’t be working on this stuff and promise to stop if I can just get over this hurdle. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks in advance!

It looks like it is configured as a zmin, not a zprobe. That’s fine, but you use G28 Z to “home” instead of G38.2.

It would look something like this, assuming you have the 0.5mm probe from the store:

G28 Z ; home sequence.
G92 Z0.5 ; set the offset of the probe thickness
G1 Z10 F300 ; lift up a little.

After that, you can try moving to zero to make sure it is right: G1 Z0 F300

Jeff, as usual, you nailed it. If I’d only asked two days ago…

Thanks again, not only for help on this problem, but also for V1Pi. I love not being tethered to the machine with wires!

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