3D Printing - Slicer Settings Differences?

After searching the forums, my head is spinning a bit from lots of theory, potential issues noted between slicers(etc.), and some apparent lessons learned that aren’t vetted in the FAQs yet, so I would like to confirm… I’m about to print my first build, and was really hoping someone can help me confirm my setup before I start trying to print parts this week-

My Data:
I’m not an avid 3D Print user and have only done it a few times, so any basic info would be much appreciated! If it helps, I have a CR-10S with TH3D firmware load, and I’ve used CURA a couple of times now. .4mm nozzle and I have verified the 150XY_mm bed test (basic) is spot on in the X, Y, and the Diagonal.


  • What slicer is recommended? i.e. with alleged differences with belt gap spacing last summer, and variable infill recommendations (which I don’t see supported in CURA), I want to know which slicer is my best/safest option to help get it right the first time? (i.e. less about opinions, power user considerations, etc.). I’m willing to learn a new slicer. I just don’t see a place in Cura to even manually capture a 70%/30%/70% split at 24mm and 116mm for the core?

  • Specific Recommended Settings?
    For all the parts other than the core, is the only real setting that matters is a 70% infill, and a layer height of .3mm being optimal for my standard .4mm nozzle since this will be stronger and more rigid than a .2mm or .25mm layer height?

    • Any other key settings? Perimeters/walls = 3 good enough? Any other settings?

    • Settings for the Core, vice the other parts

I know I have lots of questions, and I haven’t touched this 3D printer in several years… no doubt I’ve missed out on a lot that is likely regarded as common knowledge at this point… A huge thanks in advance for anyone willing to take the time to help me out!

I’ve been 3d printing for about 7 years now, and I’ve tried out a lot of slicers. This is going to be an opinionated topic, because everyone has their preferences.

I personally prefer PrusaSlicer right now because it has a lot of advanced features like really good support structure control, layer by layer settings, etc.

If you’re asking for recommended settings for the MPCNC parts specifically, print as solid as you can swallow for the structural components. Not just for rigidity, but layer adhesion too. I personally used a 0.8mm nozzle at 60% gyroid infill, two perimeters at 0.96mm thick each. Seems plenty strong to me. The only reason you don’t want to go totally solid is print time and material usage. If neither of those things is an issue, go nuts.

You might try printing some test pieces and breaking them to see what happens.

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3D printing is as much art as science. Don’t worry too much about making it perfect. There should be a wide window of acceptance on parts.

I have liked slic3r for a long time. I did my comparisons a long time ago, but it worked better for me than cura. Since then, the original project has been mostly stagnant and the code has ben absorbed into prusa-slicer. I use that. Once you get past all the prusa wizards, it will works very similar to the slic3r.

I believe you can do variable infill in cura, but you have to add some kind of text to insert at some Z. It has been years since I have tried. But going 70% for the whole thing is just going to waste some pla, it will still be a good part.

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If you do try Slic3r, which Jeffeb3 mentioned is the base for PrusaSlicer, you’ll want to pull the master branch from their github and build it yourself. They haven’t released a “stable” version since early 2018, so their dev version has pretty much become their rolling release. I don’t believe they have any features that PrusaSlicer hasn’t already pulled, so if you want to keep things simple, you can stick with PrusaSlicer.

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For anyone following in my footsteps, the PrusaSlicer is worth your time (minimal, as its easy and straightforward). clicking on the part name in the right (under the editing column) will allow you to select “Height range modifier”. This will add a layer line below in the table with a cog wheel that will then allow you to customize the infill and perimeters for sections that you designate between heights X and Y mm. PursaSlicer also has profiles for many printers also available which further simplifies your intro/familiarization process. Hope this helps.

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