Additional prints while I wait for parts?

Looking through Thingiverse and wondering if there are any helpful jigs or cool suggestions for parts I should print while I wait for my parts from V!? I have already printed all recommended parts for the 1" “J” model. I did notice some drill jigs for the tubes that I thought may be useful and some tube ends that I like the idea of for cleaning up the build. Any tips would be great!


Ideas on how to spend the time:

  • There are some 3D printed caps for the stepper motors. They are reported to help keep dust out of the motors, but I think they mostly just dress up the machine.

  • You can figure out how you are going to protect and run your wires. If you are going to use cable chains, they can be 3D printed. In addition to the chains, there are brackets that can be 3D printed to attach the chains to the trucks.

  • Have you decided what (if any) e-stop solution you will have for your machine? I 3D printed some parts to support the e-stop I purchased from V1.

  • Not a 3D print, but you can begin to define your workflow and gain some experience with CAM. Some CAM solutions have simulators, and you can always put the results in a g-code simulator.


Great advice
Tool mounts pen mounts etc. I also see lots of ppl with printed clamps etc. I printed all my cable chain and it seems to be ok. (Haven’t used it much)
Also enclosure for your board and maybe fan mounts.

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I like my printed clamps but last 2times my zpipes were going to hit. Had to pause and move them. I since bought blue tape ca glue and activator. (I was doing small pieces)

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Here you can find all the files for my drag chain mashup for Z without being attached to Z: MPCNC Primo Schneewittchen - Oldenburg, Germany - #145 by Tokoloshe

This is the dust collection I finally printed after searching for a year: Printables. Only loses you 5mm on X/Y, which is pretty neat. It also cools the Makita very well.