Cant start nema17 from mks gen

Can someone help me to check why not my nema17 motors starts from my mks gen l card? Teamviewer?
I dont know after 3 days how i will do… Youtube are 110% checked.


I’m not sure where to start since I’m not sure what you have done so far. I think you mentioned changing firmware to use A4988 but I’m not sure what else. What firmware did you start with and what else have you tried?

Morning from sweden

To be honest, first, 1: i must be very tired, because i dont have A4988 drivers, it is drv8825, i say wrong from first time… The problem was vrf was 1.20v, and its to high, Now i have Change to 0.62v.

  1. About Nema17 motors, yes, its works Now, but im bad to do all settings in Marlin fw 2.0, its about endstops. I have “?” in lcd screen.

  2. Z-Axis, where should nr. 2 be on mks gen L board?

I hope someone can help again… :heart::heart::heart::heart: