CreateProcess error

So, we’ve seen a few users have a problem with arduino and building Marlin in windows. I’ve seen issues with 1.8.12 and 1.8.13. This isn’t my personal experience, because it isn’t an issue with windows.

Here is the error message:

avr-gcc: error: CreateProcess: No such file or directory

There may be other warnings, like finding two copies of U8glib. Those aren’t the error.

Here is an issue I found that I think describes it exactly:

There are some suggestions, like putting it in the root of the drive, renaming it to M, or deleting unused hals.

I think the cleanest suggested solution is to just use platformio. Here are those instructions:

I have to say, platformio is a great choice for this kind of stuff. VS code is a pretty good tool to have as well.

I found this comment which sheds a little more light on the subject:

I think this may be the beginning of the end for Marlin on Arduino (because windows is so stinking popular).

@vicious1 and others, I think we need to consider pushing harder towards the vscode and platformio route for people who want to flash rambos or build skr firmware themselves.

That means finding places where we recommend arduino, and point to platformio, and it means installing platformio and looking for errors in the platformio instructions.

I’m not sure what else to do. They are going to just keep adding code to the HALs, and if arduino has to compile them all and put them in one command line, and there’s no way to extend the process limit, it ain’t going to be fixed.

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Oh, actually, one of the suggestions was to remove stuff from the hal. We could actually do that in the MarlinBuilder… I have to check that out. I just need a windows VM, I guess…

Wow the end of an era. That came pretty fast. Thinkyhead announced it probably 6 months back and now it is happening.

Okay I will update things as I come across them. Slowly since you have a temp fix (Thanks Heffe). The good thing is I think people are actually liking better anyway.