Diameter of shaft for drag knife

Does anyone know the diameter of the shaft for this drag knife? https://shop.v1engineering.com/products/drag-knife-vinyl-cutter?gclid=CjwKCAiA8P_TBRA9EiwAJrpHM6CgtX5ajZO5l1WmThXFgZWdPc8afNWdUZvJcT12gaPjTaER0i5G6RoCqKEQAvD_BwE
What size collett do I need? My router uses 1/4" or 1/8". would either of these work?


You do not mount it in a collet. I have a mount linked in that link you posted.

Does it fit the Primo?

It mounts to the burly tool mount. The burly tool mount can be mounted on the primo. I think you might need a different nut trap though?

I have a drag knife mount that is primo specific now.



OOOOOH, more fun for when the machine comes inside for the winter. Going to be switching from loud, messy router, to silent laser and now drag-knife.

You can also put a pen on there and draw some fun shapes with sandify

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I actually did one better and took a sandify output, manually gave it some starting parameters for homing, depth, and end, and cut it in some luan. Came out OK once I sanded the crap out of it. Probably be better in better material. I just tried it to see how it would come out.


:heart_eyes: that’s awesome! Thank you for sharing that.


Very cool!

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