Dual end stop up grade

I am adding end stops and have some questions. when flashing them board is there some options that need to be selected when compiling? also when setting the error with m666 can octoprint send the code and does the offset stay or do you have to send it every time, Thanks for the help

Yes, there are options, like which board do you have?

Assuming Marlin, you can use M500 to save settings to EEPROM, I believe that the M666 offset is one of those settings saved.

You can also configure the startup code in your CAM to include the M666. Or, yes. You can define startup scripts in Octoprint.

If you have one of the configurations from MarlinBuilder releases, then you don’t need to change anything or even compile the firmware. If you need to change anything, then you need to edit it and compile using platformio.

The M666 commands to tune the squareness can be sent through the console, so Octoprint shouldn’t have any trouble. Once the tuning is complete the settings get written to the eeprom with an M500 command to make them persistent.

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Thanks everyone, also I assume i need to adjust the stepper drivers because I am changing from a series setup?

V1 has pre-built firmware for most boards to support the dual end stop configuration, so this is a good opportunity to upgrade to the latest firmware version. Each stepper needs a dedicated driver, and the end stops need to be matched to the appropriate motor for auto-squaring to work properly. As long as you’re using a board for which the pre-built firmware is available, you shouldn’t need to tweak any other settings in the firmware. After flashing the new firmware, the change should mostly be a matter of getting the motor and end stop wires connected to the matching places on the control board, then fine tuning the auto-squaring corrections and saving them in the eeprom.