I finally hooked up my heated bed

I purchased a heated bed when I originally ordered all the stuff for my MPCNC over a year ago. Things were printed fine, and I didn’t want to give up the inch or two of height by using it, so… I didn’t. But, I have some bigger stuff to print, and having some warping issues, so I finally hooked it up. I initially cut the board so I had 4 knobs on it, but decided I like 3 point leveling better. I have to say, who ever put that screw hole so close to where the power wires connect is a bit nuts. With the three point setup, the height at the power connectors if fixed, and I adjust the other sides to match. I wrote a small gcode script that moves the printer to each corner so I can check the height. It lifts the head a bit, then lowers it slowly in case on part is too high. Seems to be working well so far.