Long Term Filament Storage...

So, I was looking around at storing filament in a way to keep moisture out. The geek in me wanted to use my LR2 to cut out some plexiglass and then bond it all together to make a box with a hinged lid and a rubber gasket, put some desiccant in it and put my unused filament in that. Would have been a nice, tidy solution… but, then I thought, simpler, easier, smaller… lol.

I think this is gonna work:

[attachment file=91543]

I’s a Medium sized Magicbag https://www.walmart.com/ip/Magicbag-Flats-Medium-3-ct-Box/46180242 vacuum bag for cloths storage. I was able to get 6 rolls of PLA in 1 bag (I also put the desiccant packs that the PLA ships with in there) and they fit nicely. Just a standard household vacuum cleaner sucked the air out in about 5 secs (much quicker then I thought it would). Hopefully this works as a long term solution but so far I am liking the results.

Interesting. I use a sterilite box with the built in weather strip.

I was going to go that route, but then realized you couldn’t pump the air out of it (at least not easily and not without a modification). Right now the bag is just sitting on my desk but I want to put it in a box under my desk to free up some more desktop room. Printer only been running a little over a week and I already have 9 different colors of filament (that I know of! - I’ve gotten at least 2 colors (so far) from Amazon that I know I wanted but didn’t think I had ordered). This is definitely becoming a “habit” lol. The one real downside of ADHD is that I bounce from hobby to hobby. Gotta keep this one going for a while - just need to order more parts from Ryan to build more stuff… I have enough room in my office still for a 2x2 MPCNC and I already have a table I want to convert to a ZenXY … it’s all a matter of time and money…

I store open spools of filament in a 5gal bucket with a “Gamma Seal” lid and a desiccant pack.