Looking for advice before purchasing MPCNC parts

Hello All,

I’ve been lurking the forum and v1 site for months now. I bought a 3d printer in November and have all of the parts printed. The conduit is in the garage ready to be cut. I am hoping to get some advice on which parts to buy. I am thinking about a 2’x4’ build and will potentially be adding end stops in the future.

Here is what is in my cart: Shopping Cart
Endmill variety pack$19.99 USD
[ ![Full Graphic Smart Controller, Big]||$14.99 USD|
|[ ![Wiring Kit - Individual for Dual endstop firmware.]$11.99 USD
[ ![Drag Knife / Vinyl Cutter]||$9.99 USD|
|[ ![Mostly Printed CNC Parts Bundle - 6A / RAMBo Series Wire Kit]
6A / RAMBo Series Wire Kit|| $320.00 USD

$376.96 USD total

I have an old laptop I plan on using and I’ll be ordering the Dewalt 660 from Amazon.

Can you think of anything I’m missing?


You’ll want wire looming of some sort, extra cable ties, emergency stop button, cable chain or a tape measure to use Ryans budger but effective method of cable control and of course mayerial for a table to build it on

Thanks for the reply. I have 2x4s and osb in the garage for the table. Old tape measures laying around also. Is this a good choice for the looming? (nevermind… I can’t include links in my post). Would you mind giving me advice on the type of looming you would recommend?

I added the e-stop to my cart and I have tons of zip ties lying around.

Thanks again!

I believe Ryan sells some stuff on the site that works great: https://shop.v1engineering.com/collections/miscellaneous/products/wire-sleeve. It’s what I used … I also used 4x22awg and 2x22awg shielded wire since my build was so large.

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That is a thing of beauty! Thanks again for all your help!

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Don’t go 4 feet. You going to build to the edge and realiZe things will hang over, or you will curse it.

Decide on the table size and have 2-3 inches all the way around

Also, I woukdnt go with the drag knife to Ealy,. Print a pen mount and then. The router mount.

Not sure what the DeWalt sells for 200 I think , the Makita was 89$. So saving for the same quality

I have a laser module in a box and probably won’t get to it till 2020. Too much learning to go on

Whoa Dewalt DW660 is $55.71 as of right now. In the US at least.

Ok sorry I was comparing prices to the router not the rotary tool.

I have one of those and ya in Canada is 88$. Which is about 60 US.

But that tool is so loud. The Makita is loud for sure, but I find it less pitchy.

Note to self: use Makita in auditions for The Voice:man_singer:

It is loud, but so is the vac and the bits.


Thanks everyone for your advice. I would like to make my mpcnc at least big enough to do cabinet doors. But now I see that what I ordered is only for a 24x24 setup. Does anyone know if there is enough drive belt with that to get the extra 12 inches for a 24x36 setup? Or do I need to order some off of amazon now?

I dont think you will have enough. The belt length is said to be enough for 24 x 24 (48" total X + Y length) and it would say more if it could do more.

Also, for 24 x 36 working space will be about 36" x 48" outside dimensions and total outside perimeter will be about 14 feet. The kit comes with 13 feet so you will be just a bit short.

Thanks… I ordered an extra 5m from Amazon. It should get here the same day as my kit.

before starting your assembly, make sure you use the calculator for your build.

you can enter the desired work area, and it will tell you the size of pipes you will need for the build.

give yourself 3-5 inches all the way around, because you will need hold down hardware. room to work …

its better to go larger, then scale back instead of having the order new pipes because you need to add an inch

Thanks. I actually got it put together this weekend. I used the calculator to get the dimensions correct. :+1: