Motor Wiring with Dual Endstops on SKR Pro 1.2

So I was doing a cut on my LR2 and rambo connector crapped out on me during a cut. I then got mad said screw this.

I have now mounted my SKR Pro 1.2, and I am looking at dual endstops, because why not.

In the electronics docs it says:

If the firmware is set for EXTRUDERS=0 then E0 becomes X1 and E1 becomes Y2. (or LR would be E0=Y2 E1=Z2)

But SKR Pro has Z0 and Z1, so I am not sure on which motor connects to where. I think it would go like this and just ignore Z1 on the board?


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Yea, generally Z1 and Z2 are parallel on the board, so ignore it.

The skr actually has them in serial (and has jumpers on the second Z port).

But you can ignore it anyway.

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Oh, cool.

Ok so that means my diagram is correct?


Looke like it.


Thanks, very much appreciated :> Iā€™m looking forward to doing more cutting than fighting wires