A couple of years ago I built the Mostly Printed CNC and loved every minute of using the machine. Recently I wanted to make some changes to the design and in the picture below is what I came up with. As you may see the the X and Y axis took on the biggest change. The machines work envelope is roughly 16" X 18" X 1.5". I will upload closer pictures of the new components shortly to give you a closer look.



Whoa, you made some changes!

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I am a total newbie, just starting my CnC journey. Can you talk about your observations?

less conduit

one y motor?

is it more stable?


It’s like if the Low Rider and MPCNC had a baby.

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Feels like peaking into an alternate universe for me. I recognize a lot of those shapes but they are all slightly different! Cool.

As you can see in the pictures here I am still using two motors for the X & Y axis. I stayed with the two motors per axis to give myself more holding/ driven power for cutting tougher materials. With this design I find myself having to worry less about the axis being squared up before each use like in the Mostly Printed CNC original design. [attachment file=121628]


Bret, I really like your machine. Having built/rebuilt numerous MPCNC’s in the past, I’ve got quite the collection of old plastic and conduit in a couple of totes and I rather enjoy mocking up, and mulling over, bits and pieces of a “new” machine with stock, and sometimes altered, MPCNC parts from the junkbox. My now defunct MPCNC-inspired CoreXY ( and CamSlider ( machines came about that way. And I set up and shared my experiences with an EleksmakerA3 and Grbl-based laser machine for my daughter in a recent thread ( here on the forum. I see a lot of similarity in your plastic-and-conduit machine and that lightweight acrylic-and-extrusion Eleksmaker machine… but yours is far beefier-looking and has a fully implemented Z-axis. And the obvious MPCNC-inspired look and near-identical electrics of it all makes it an instant winner in my eyes.

Have you shared/documented this machine build anywhere? I’m always looking for fun, new ways to play with this stuff and keep my mind – and Prusa printer – active. I’ve got all the parts (other than plastic) I would need to give it a go… and I, for one, would love to see and hear more about your machine.

Good work!

– David

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Does anyone know where i can find these files? I would really like to try this variation.

I’m interested in this as well. Are you planning on publishing this modification? My only concern is how much flex is created by having the XY joiners still narrow and that extra height on them. Does the top of the Z rods move easily more than a mm or so?

Looks very interesting from this variant of the MPCNC.

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Bret, Any luck on getting these stl files?