MRRF 2018, Ideas?

Ron, I had no idea Friday was a thing. I swear the site said Friday at 5-9 for setup when I booked my flight and room. So Hopefully I will be there before 5. Actually the site still say 3pm…Only the email says noon. Bummer I wouldn’t have minded a few extra hours.

Johnny, Me too. It is better than I expected. I never usually care about such fine detail…I am framing one for sure.

I have the last spot next to me. look for the flashing star on the wall.

It was nice meeting you Ryan

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Oh jeez, that second pic is ridiculously dweeby…puke…But it is not the only dorky pic I have.


Super dork pic with Brook of Printrbot. We had the opportunity to have areal talk. So awesome.


Barry and I drooling over Lulzbots advances. Can’t wait to try it out.


Got the opportunity to talk to Scott of ThinkyHead / Marlin Mastermind Fame. Talked with Tom From YouTube a few times. He Has some CNC plans for sure…More info coming soon (really nervous). Tom from Digital Machinist fame, came and hung out he also brought his build and sent lots of people my way. Dave from MatterHackers also came by for a great conversation.


The cherry on the cake was getting to shake some hands with you guys and have a real conversation face to face. That is so extremely refreshing. You guys all from such varying backgrounds, freaking fantastic time.

The negatives of MRRF 2018 more people and more tables in the same amount of space. It makes getting around really hard and getting to talk to someone without being in the way of a million people trying to just get by. In three very crazy days, I rarely got the opportunity to leave the table, awesome that that many people stopped in to chat but I did not get to see anything. Barry and I made two quick laps. Ron was next to me the entire time and we never got the opportunity to talk to each other for more than maybe 2 minutes.

High five to you both Ron and Barry, Love Hanging out even if we don’t get much time to talk.

Eagerly awaiting some youtube videos to see what I missed.


That reminds me. Did Dave say the newer mattercontrol with the CNC stuff was in alpha, or github?

I am not seeing anything new on github or beta so I am assuming Alpha.

[attachment file=56337]
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I used a 0.3mm pen and I think it could still be nicer if it didn’t bleed so much…But super stoked with the results.

Anyone wanna try the gcode, it is dual endstop starting with the pen at the surface (I started a bit higher as the Z was set for 1mm)

logoMPCNC.gcode (646 KB) (1.94 MB)


Might have to look out for this event next year. It’s been a long while since I’ve taken a weekend vacation for myself :slight_smile:

Highly recommend it. Each person is very excited and passionate about whatever they brought. Very few sales pitches. Hard to describe how easily it is for an introvert like myself to get into long conversations with complete strangers at MRRF.

I am getting ready to do something that is really going to make me look like a nervous dork in this video…

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Can we get the dxf? I’d like to try it on the lowrider.

Also, loved the reaction of every person you gave your card to. :lol:

I added the Estlcam file with the paths pre-selected and edited for the smaller size. That way you can use my paths and scale it or scale it and make your own paths. If you are going lowrider sized you will probably want new paths. I used the auto select function.

Let me know if that doesn’t work, I don’t have a dxf with the logo I did the combining in estlcam.

The card thing made them worth every penny!

Where at?

Added it to the picture post above, might make a separate posting for it as well. “advanced plotting”


Now I see it! Phone must have been caching the page. Just picked up a roll of craft paper at Wally world.

Dude…There was another building I think. Not the one we were in. The 3D printed extrusion printer looks to be in another room…WTF. Where was the race and the other building?

No idea. They need a map!

Wait, there was a 3d printed extrusion printer??? I didn’t see anything about that.

Oh, I see. The race was in one of the show barns next door. They just had the race in there, it’s open to the weather.