New build in Holland

Hi All!

Been lurking around for building a machine with my Ender 3 Pro for a couple of weeks, stumbled on the MPCNC and was stoked.
Since I have a workshop since a couple of days this seemed to be a good project to start with.

So far I am at the last bit of printing for the MPCNC, ordered most of the Parts from Aliexpress as the kit is sold out.
The Makita M3700 is the spindle I will be using as this is Europe and the Dewalt is hard to get over here.
now on the lookout for some tubing(25mm) and other hardware parts.

My plan is to eventually try to mill some Aluminium but will start of with plywood and maybe laser engraving.

So now a first Question :slight_smile:

For my 3d Printer is ordered a SKR E3 mini v1.2 board, this means I have the stock board from the Ender 3 Pro as a spare. A bootloader will be flashed on it.

So now I am wondering, did somebody else used this board for the MPCNC already? And can I use the MPCNC Marlin version on this board?
searched the forum but couldnā€™t get a clear answer .

So now the waiting part has started to receive all the parts! I am traveling a lot for my job so this build will take some time.

Thanks in Advance for the help and the great project! :sunglasses:

Ha nog een nederlander.

Also got the makita m3700 and after 4 years of building (having it in a box ready to be assembled) i just started using it.

If you need tips regarding where to get endmills for the makita give a shout.

Hi r89,

I was also interested in this and at least one of the members has a working MPCNC on the Ender 3 board:

I canā€™t help out much more than that as I havenā€™t tried it yet, I am still building mine and the Creality board isnā€™t suitable for me as I want dual endstops. Iā€™ve ordered a SKR 1.4 Turbo, which has 5 motor drivers on itā€¦ just waiting for it to arrive via the slowest ship ever.


Hi Peter,

Havenā€™t seen that message so thanks!
So it will work but without end stops, i wasnā€™t planning on those for now so lucky me :slight_smile:

I think I will just try it when all the parts are in.

Good luck with the waiting game! (same over here)

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Toch nog meer Nederlanders!

Any tips on where to get the endmills are always welcome, was looking for some places to order some but price differences are big.

Nice to see people using their old Creality board for the MPCNC. Iā€™m starting building mine and also plan to use it. I have a 1.1.4 board, but not the silent version. If you manage to get it to work, please let us know how you did it.

Hi There!

Have the same board as you, I tried to flas a bootloader thru a Pi Zero but am not shure if it did the trick as I canā€™t get Marlin flashed.

Still waiting for some parts to arrive from China to start building.
So if you get the board to work before me let us know as well :wink:

Hey! I did flash the firmware using an Arduino Mega 2560. I used these instructions ( but had to adapt as the 2560 has to use a different .ino file.

Now Iā€™m trying to figure out the firmware, as the MPCNC configuration will not be the same I used for the Ender 3. Once I do that (and finish printing the parts) Iā€™ll let you know if things are working!

So 2 months down the line and fulltime playing with the machine!!! :smile:

Me so Happy!!!

Running with the Ender 3 pro board without any troubles, flashed Marlin and changed some of the settings in the firmware.

First made a spoilboard:

Played with Inkscape and tried to made some signs for in my garage:

I am a big audio enthousiast and with the MPCNC I was able to cut uit my first speaker Baffleā€™s out of Oak:

3d printed the calculated bass reflex tube and oiled the Oak:

The finished Speaker :sunglasses:

For a first time I am really happy with the results, however the MDF box was a nightmare to paint, everything soakes in to the material. even with Primer on it. But the most important part is that they sound really good.

Also tried some Aluminium with a 6mm 2f bit, even at 8mm/s and DOC of 1mm it felt a little to fast.


If you made a new thread with instructions on how to set up the ender 3 pro, I think you would make many people here happy! This question comes up once in a while, I even wonder about this myself. (ahem ahem, in case I suddenly felt like making a second machine. Looking anxiously at my wife)

About the MDF and the paint mess. What about gluing some sort of thin panel on the outsides? Making a veneer of some sorts?


Quite the bump, sorry for that. I am in the same boat as you were in. I am planning to use the Makita M3700 instead of the blue, good old RT0700 model, primarily due to costs and energy use. Do you have any updates on your experience with this router? I can see that even aluminium seems to be going quite well, but how does the machine hold up after extensive use?