New Jackpot Board versus SKR Pro w/TFT35

Greetings. I have not been on the Forum for a while. Things have been working well on my Primo build that is now a few years old. always appreciated the help I received no matter how dumb my question may have been.

I was impressed and excited to see Ryan develop and release the Jackpot board.

I use a SKR Pro with the TFT35 with the dual homing stops. I also added a few of my own commands and have become very comfortable. I use the old style screen versus the touch option and really don’t mind.

I realize this a vague question but is there a good reason to switch my system out if everything in my world is working fine?
Again tough question but will be happy with a “if it ain’t broke, leave it alone…” or “No there so many more things you will love…”


Nope. Unless you do a lot of laser work none of the changes are very different. Obviously I think it is a lot better but that is more of an all around sense not every specific thing.


Thanks Ryan so glad V1 is doing well and you could develop your own controller as well as everything else.

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Thanks! It is still fun, so I am still going to do it!

And we haven’t been too annoying this last year. At least only a bit. :stuck_out_tongue: