New Lowrider2 in NC - custom wire management

Hi all, somewhat new to the forum, and wanted to share some wire management I just finished up with. Thanks Ryan for an awesome machine, I’ve only gotten time to do a few cuts but so far everything has worked perfectly - the only problems I’ve had so far were on my end in the CAM, and the program freezing when in the touchscreen mode on the TFT. I’m looking forward to getting more figured out, and doing some V carving.

About my build - Lowrider 2 on a mobile torsion box inspired bed, SKR pro & TFT (kit and electronics from V1), printed all the parts in PLA+ from Overture (electric blue), cable chain from Thingiverse, stepper mount/transfer channel custom designed. Bed size is 25" x 5’ (working space just over 2’ x 4’).