New Primo made in Greece

Tape down the paper. It is being moved a bit, which results in those gaps. Had the same “problem”.


I thought that would take me like hours of fine tuning… thank you Philipp!

This is the result after using some tape and printing over the same paper 4 times!!! not even a glitch :slight_smile:


LCD Screen ready…

…thanks to this LCD display setup thank you guys!

My first official solution. <3 Looks awesome now.

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Nice build. I may be too late but I used a rechargeable “screwdriver” with the correct hex bit and used it to power on and off several times the nut to bolt to loosen up the lock nuts. They still hold snug but now where are tight.
My wrist was just worn out threading each one on and off manually.

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This is another problem I came across and solved it with the help of this guy.
thought of sharing in case someone else bumps into the same onedrive problem

Another “setup” question just to be sure I’m not frying anything here…

…this is the voltage reading i’m getting on all 3 stepper motor drivers. For the time being I don’t use the end stops so the connection is as specified in the Primo instructions ie. two motors in one driver for X & Y. My Creality motors have the following specs
Rated Voltage: 4.8Volt
Rated Current: 1.5A/Phase
I used this formula Voltage at the pot =0.9*(stepper current/2) and I thought 0.69V should be ok for all 3 drivers. Is this correct?

With these reading and after ~1h of feeding power to the motors i.e. printing or just having Repetier Host connected to the board, I get ~49 Celsius on each motor and ~ 68 celsius on each stepper motor driver both on the heatsink and below it touching the chip as best as i could. Does this sound normal?

christos…i m on the same page like you and i m on the wiring part with 5x 8825 drivers
and i see people doing it with 3 drivers(2 motors in line for x and y) did you go that way??? or with the
5 drivers??

Please ignore my previous message it was completely misleading as I completely misunderstood your question. I went with 3 drivers.

This is the “in series” wiring i followed

ok thanks because i had 2 spare drivers and i thought of using them

i ll get back if i need help and its ok with you

I’ll be more than happy to help. Again, happy building :wink:

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First cut!

It came out better than I expected!

It would have never happened without the help of the people in this forum! Thank you all for your time.

I’ll try to have some “cutting edge time” with my Primo now :wink:


As we say in Chicago at our favorite Greek restaurants!!

Great job! Looking at your build. I am jealous of all the tidy wire management builds out there. Someday I’ll get to mine…

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I miss Chicago, especially May to September. It’s a really nice place… so leave the cable management for Autumn and enjoy the sun :wink:


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Anyone else hear the Home Depot theme song when they look at the color scheme of this build?

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