Pre Release v1pi needs testing

Interesting. Running the gui on the pi that is also running cncjs and octoprint seems like a bad idea to me. But the rpi4 is pretty fast.

Iā€™ve now reflashed the Pi with 2020-05-27-v1pi-hotspot, left it on the desk with tail -f /var/log/syslog and journalctl -f -u cncjs.service so I could see if anything was happening.

And of course no matter what I did, the dammed thing stayed up and running. Just to be clear, this is on the hot spot connected to my Macbook using the internal Macbook wifi. I do have another wifi dongle but ignored that for this test.

Created a couple of macroā€™s, still worked. Rats.

top looks OK, no swap on 2GB Pi 4. Given itā€™s running headless, Iā€™d be surprised if 1GB isnā€™t more than enough. I run many linux boxes on VMWare with 1GB, wouldnā€™t run a Streetmap server on that but mail and small stuff is fine.

So, Iā€™m going to check if there is a new version of v1p1, if so download that and benchtest that for 24 hours, if that works, Iā€™ll attach it to the SKR MB and see if that was the cause of the outages.Something was killing cncjs but nothing so far. Iā€™m suspecting the SKR motherboard and the connection failing now.



Iā€™ll let you know when I post another one.

The requirements are pretty slim. It runs on my pi zero w, although it is noticeably slower.


Thanks, for some reason I thought there was a new version. I have no idea why :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve connected it back to the MPCNC and am going to (finally, finally) put the end stops on and will have a look at it working then.

I would be doing more with your v1pi testing, but I went back to basics and made a mount for a digital caliper to measure stuff to find the issue with backlash.

Itā€™s a never ending story :slight_smile:

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No worries. I am also trying to find some time to work on it, but my other responsibilities are winning.

Updated my v1pi yesterdayā€¦

Pi 3b+
TInyG control board
Shopfloor-tablet installed
Tinyweb-pendant installed

Aside from the pendant additions, v1Pi image is stock. No GUI, etc.

Iā€™ve left it up and running, but mostly idle for ~24hrs.
I did run a few ā€œair cutā€ jobs (movement only, router not mounted)
No issues noted.

Perhaps more relevant to the v1Pi CNCjs Pendants topic, I had all three interfaces (standard CNCjs, Tiny web, and Shopfloor Tablet) open in seperate tabs on my laptop and Tinyweb and Shopfloor-Tablet interfaces open on a tablet when running the ā€œair cutā€ jobs. Top showed the node process using 15% or less of both cpu and memory during those cuts.


Excellent, Thanks Pete! :+1:


I think there is an issue (and Iā€™m not sure where) between a Raspberry Pi 4 and the SKR V1.3 MB and cnc.js.

I left my v1pi hotspot powered up for a few days. I connected to cnc.js via web browser and played. with it. It was not connected to the SKR V1.3 MB. No issues.

I then connected it to the SKR V1.3 MB and tried to send down an output file from EstlCam. Bang. The cnc.js daemon crashed. I then restarted Octoprint and tried using that to do an air print and it worked fine.

Because everything is in the garage, I donā€™t have space to setup my laptop to monitor stuff easily and it was very late last night (circa 23:00) I didnā€™t have chance to check logs, but my suspicion is that there is a connection type problem. It might be the SKR Mb, it might be the Pi 4, it might be cnc.js, it might be all three. Since everybody else isnā€™t having the same problems, Iā€™m tending to think itā€™s probably a comms type issue specific to me, could be a USB cable, could be a timing issue, the fact that the cnc.js daemon crashes but octoprint works fine, pushes me to comms.

Anyway, Iā€™ll keep looking and I will find the issue as I would like to use cnc.js.


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Can we get a definitive answer as to the location of the cncjs log file? My linux skills are rusty.

running journalctl -u cncjs.service will show you the most recent log.

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Oh yeah, that was obvious :slight_smile:

How about the settings? Iā€™d love to back up my custom commands and such. Iā€™ll figure it out with enough time and motivation, but a hint would be great.

I grabbed the cncjs repo from github today, going to poke around and see about making a few things better for Marlin / Lowrider.

Noticed that Octo has a templating language that outputs G. Looking at CNCjs macros on git, it looks like thereā€™s a similar thing going on, but I havenā€™t found any docs, nor how to load a macro or debug it.


/home/pi/.cncrc, I think. I tried putting a dummy file there in the image and it was replaced on the first runtime. Otherwise, Iā€™d love to get some decent out of the box choices in there, like decent macros and default port and baud rate. Plus the plugins.

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The CNC.js interface on v1pi seemed somehow different from the one I got using git on an ubuntu-install. They were the same version. Donā€™t know if thatā€™s because Iā€™ve messed too much with the interface on my ubuntu box thoughā€¦

I think the desktop is slightly different, but I couldnā€™t tell you how.

Has V1pi or will V1pi be updated to the latest octoprint v1.0.0?

It has not. It isnā€™t high on my list of priorities, ATM.

canā€™t it just apt update?

There is an update procedure, but it uses git, not apt.

I would definitely try updating from inside octoprint. If anyone has tried that, let us know if it works or doesnā€™t.

The difficulty with me updating the v1pi image is that I need to configure the script to update the packages and then test the changes. It isnā€™t hard, but it will take a few hours.

FYI - I started down the v1pi road but realized that upgrading after install would be painful (in fact, I tried to apt-get my way to success but made a real mess of thingsā€¦)

So I ended up just installing OctoPi via the RPi Imager, then followed the setup instructions for CNC.js. I presently have both running side by side (though not on the same ports as the v1pi image) and itā€™s working fine. The only thing I lack is the ā€œlandingā€ page from the v1pi image, but I donā€™t really need it for anything.

@jeffeb3 I could probably be convinced to help with the v1pi update if you need it.

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