Skew in my rails

I’m not sure why, but I seem to have skew in my rails. I think there’s a bend that I can’t really see. How is this normally corrected? I was thinking I should loosen one rail on both sides and rotate it to see where the minimum skew is, tighten and then repeat on the other side.

Is this a normal thing to see?

Loosen a little bit both sides then press them until all wheels touch the table and then tighten them.

OK, figured it out. I’ll leave this here in case anyone else has this problem.

I loosened first one rail on both ends, and rotated it. After I found the spot where there was minimal skew, I went ahead and loosened the other side. I didn’t adjust anything at that point, it looks like it all just settled into place. If I make another one of these, I think the best thing is to keep it a little loose until it’s together and then tighten everything down to avoid the problem I had.