SKR Pro 1.2, newest firmware, 513, issues

No card in the board, just the TFT.

After 25 planks doing the last 3, had a stall with the full size SD Card. Looks to be a TFT35 issue

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OK, I am persistent, and a bit OCD.
MPCNC #1, cut area 17x24 inches. Upgraded 12/24/2021 to Dual End Stop 513 firmware, and newsest tested TFT35 firmware. All good, testing gcode that was uploaded above via new USB Thumb Drive, SD Card via TFT good cuts at both 100% speed and 150% speed both memory card interfaces.
MPCNC #2, cut area 24x46 inches. Running 513 series firmware, newest tested TFT35 firmware. Testing same gcode. SD Card cut #1 failed at 60%. Cut #2, and #3 ran via new USB Thumb drive. Cut fine at 100% and 150%. Difference between the 2 machines-TFT35 on this MPCNC is 8 months newer than MPCNC #1. Don’t know if that matters.
Checked mechanical, wiring, etc on MPCNC #2, all good. I have the wiring for dual endstops on this as well, upgrading.

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Very stupid idea, but what happens if you switch tft only or skr only between builds?
Does that make any difference?

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This dang screen is working my last nerve. It is super expensive and been a pretty solid pain in the butt. It has such extreme potential, but so did the Archim boards a while back. There are other screens we can use without the touch option to bring the bundle down nearly $30, or wifi options that are far more robust and far less expensive as well.

John I really appreciate the testing you are doing. I am running a couple of them on my printers (20+ hours a day) and so far have only found a couple random pauses but was always able to finish the job. No issues while cutting, but that is obviously not as often.


No problem. It reminds me of my old Linux/msdos/windows 95 beta testing days.

After a run yesterday that stalled, I went through the settings. I set it to “Start gcode before print” to ON on MPCNC #2, having the theory that it was outrunning the “buffer” like an old MSDOS printer. Worked at whatever speed I ran it at then, and whatever memory card/stick I used. Maybe that theory is the answer.
Now Back to MPCNC #1 running the dual endstops and the newest TFT and SKR firmware. Its getting the “M221 Unknown Command” problem when I try to change the feedrate.
The fun never stops…

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I am going to try and poke around at the latest TFT firmware. There have been some updates, including Jeffeb3 getting a few errors fixed and implementing extruders=0 for CNC’s!

The prerelease we have out is a bit behind the current, but we thought it was stable. I will try to wrestle up another pre-release.

Be glad to test it

I have a fresh bare bones version (no logo’s, current with BTT), let me at least try and flash it before I link it here.

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Okay so it flashed just fine, I flashed the SKR with today’s builds, then I ran the drag race gcode (fast), works fine on my end…but that was a tiny file.

Here is the rough edit, Dropbox - test 12-28 - Simplify your life, if you want to wait for the cleaner edit, that is no problem. I am going to enable some of the TFT “must haves” in the skr firmware just in case it is making anything funky although I doubt it.

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OK, then. Holding 4 planks for testing that TFT35 firmware.

52 planks completed. Some that had the stalls I’ll manually finish out like I used to, no loss.

Ryan, been very happy with the MPCNC’s, TFT35’s, and SKR Pro 1.2’s. Been down the road of bleeding edge quite a bit over the years, both in woodworking, and my former professions as a Printing Company production supervisor, and freelance IT guy. Open source is great, but it has is entertainment, and frustrations.
Keep up the good work. Cheers!

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I won’t be able to work on the SKR stuff until this evening or tomorrow morning. Have a pile of shipping stuff to work on first.

Thanks for the understanding, but obviously I could not do any of this without helpful people like yourself!

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Almost there, hit a small snag, I will fix and test asap.

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Okay my quick test was solid here are the links.

Firmware dual skr pro-

TFT- get the CNC pre pre release and unzip the folder -


Got it, never mind.

Finishing the dual end stop upgrade to MPCNC #2 this weekend. Then I’ll load and test these here

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Well, loaded and appears to work, tested on MPCNC #2, both the SKR firmware and the TFT35.

Question: I dislike the TFT35 pre pre release screen setup, with all the setting and actions hidden in sub-menus.

Will the Pre pre release SKR firmware above work with the TFT35 v26 firmware from July 2021?


Well, there is an option to use a slightly different screen, but I think it only adds two buttons. I will take a look at the config.ini.
On that same note, now that Jeffeb3 got us extruders =0 working we can try to get CNC specific screen merged into bigtree techs firmware. So for example if extruders=0 is set we should be able to swap out the hot end and heated bed buttons for something more useful to us. The code for the TFT si more advanced than I am comfortable with but I do intend on poking around and hopefully we can sweet talk some others to join in. The bad part is we need to get it merged into the main firmware, maintain it ourselves is unrealistic at this time.

It should, but the skr firmware is not the SD card issue it is the TFt firmware. Let me look into the menus thing a bit more…maybe later this afternoon.

Actually, you can just edit the config.ini yourself with a text editor and change the default menus if you can get to it before me, then save and reflash. If you do a couple pictures would be great.

I can wait, the firmware, and the editing, is a bit out of my bailiwick

Jeffeb3, Ryan,
Had a bunch of parts to cut out this week on the 2 MPCNC’s with the SKR 1.2 Pro, and the TFT35 V3 E3’s.

“Unknown Command M221” still comes up when you try the feed rate increase through the touch screen. After hooking up the RPi 400 and running code with it, when it does a feed rate increase its command in the console is M220Fxx, when using the feed rate buttons in CNCjs. Using the M221Fxx command in the console always returns “Unknown Command” in CNCjs, while using M220 it is processing normally. Using M220Fxx in the terminal screen of the TFT works normally it appears, return OK, while M221Fxx returns “Unknown Command.”
Looking at the Marlin commands on their website it is noted that M220 is the “feed rate” command, and M221 is the “flow rate” command.
Might be something in the TFT35 firmware, I don’t know where to look or how to fix.
Hope this helps

screenshot CNCjs console: