Skr pro issues

Q3 (the larger mosfet) is definitely toast. It’s burned through. The others look like they took significant heat and melted the tops. Almost like you had a high current situation.

If you’re not willing to send back to Ryan for a replacement, Big Tree Tech is the manufacturer and you can buy them from their website at BIGTREETECH SKR PRO V1.2 32 Bit Control Board – Biqu Equipment
or find it on amazon also.

I was looking at an earlier photo of the board mounted in an alum enclosure, with what appeared like somewhat large brass standoffs underneath. The photo of the bottom of the pcb… is that top left corner cooked? The solder resist looks bubbled up there to me. If so… that could be the cause… if so of course don’t use the same standoffs on a new board.

[edit: NM, the photo of the board mounted on large hex standoffs was from another user.]

My worry is, this is not common. Once they prove good in my tests. They typically do not fail. If you have no idea what happened, you could very easily do it again. Don’t buy a board just to pop it.

What did repetier host say? This could just be a settings issues at this point.

Ok, so in what i can only call an amazing turn of events, plugging the board into repeater host worked. I was shocked beyond belief.

So i thought, why not hook up the screen as well. Low and behold, they both work.

The screen is giving me an error measage "all low’

But once i clear it, it moved just fine. I even tried a test carve which seems to be going ok.

Is this what they call the ghost in the machine?

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All low is coming from the tmc drivers. Since they are not there, that makes sense.



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So is there any idea what could have caused this? (Outside of user error).
Obviously my whole gole with this experience is to learn. I also dont want to cry wolf everytime i have an issue.

So a recap, and a final question?
So i unplugged and compressed air cleaned the board and put it back together twice and it had the same issue.

Then i unplugged the board a 3rd time when you suggested i reconnect, send a pic, and connect to repeater host. Which is when it started working again.

Oddly, the issue i had from the begining (besides the fact that it didnt work) was the L2 LED being on. Then the L2 went out and it stated that no printer was detected.

Any thought or ideas about what could have caused any of this and why the weird progression of issues?

I have no idea. I know early on I had a board I was sure I popped. I even tried to flash it several ways. I ordered the tool to flash the bootloader. So a few days later when it showed up I tried to flash it one last time before I tried to figure out the bootloader thing…It worked just fine.

Super crazy.