Static charge (?) causes spontaneous restart of my RAMBo

Hello there,
I’ve troubles with my Lowrider v2 build. Every now and then it shuts down in the middle of the job. I can feel static charge all around, especially the rubber vacuum tube pulls on my arm hair. There is no cable touching the tube at all, but I use an XPS foam as an underlay for my workpiece. Could that causes static charge?

Has any of you had similar problems? What was the cause? Has any of you an idea what to do against static charges? Should i ground the hole machine, and if yes, how?

Can I provide more informations about the case?

Thank you a lot and have a nice day

You need to put a piece of copper wire down you vac line and ground it to an earth ground and this will discharge static through it. Check youtube lots of examples.

There was another report of this happening. The solution was as Freddy says. You can get a ground wire (like a romex, but remove the insulation) and just run it down the whole vacumn tube. At the vacumn side, attach it to ground and if there is any charge that builds up in the tube, it will find its way through that wire before getting large enough to cause a problem.

Thank you both! I’ll try and report :wink:

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When things get dry in the shop, I lean into the side belts to discharge (no job running) before touching the LCD knob. A grounding wire seems like an infinitely wiser choice :slight_smile:

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It seems to work! So far no sudden shut downs :slight_smile:
I haven’t found a proper way to the “ground” yet and attached the copper wire to the water tap for now (copper tubing). Is it possible to just add the cable to the ground of the power adapter? Or would that cause the fuse to blow? Any ideas?

You can attach it to the case or ground plug on the power supply. Static has a lot of voltage, but very small amounts of current, so it won’t ever trip a breaker. Just don’t accidentally wire it to the negative or hot, only ground. You definitely don’t want AC running through your vac hose. :slight_smile:

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Thank you, I found a working way. Since my vacuum tube is hold by an elastic support which is hanged from the ceiling, and the electricity sockets also comes the same way, I attached the copper cable to that line and finally to the metal case of my workshop lights.

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Hello, my arduino is restarting spontaneously and I don’t know what it will be. I don’t know if it’s static but I want to test your method.
My vacuum tube is also hold by an elastic support hanged from the ceiling, and the electricity sockets also comes the same way.
One end of the copper wire goes in the box and the other end in which part of the suction hose?Thanks!!!

To ground the vacuum hose, you can out a bare wire through the hose and then poke it out on the vacuum side. Then tie it to a good ground, like a grounded case. The other end is electrically loose, but you can tie it to something to keep it from flopping around.

To ground the ramps, you would want to put it in a metal box and ground the box.

Thanks Jeff!
I lowered the voltages of the drivers (a few days ago I had done a test raising them due to a loss of steps) and for now I had no more reboots.
But I will take it into account in the future. I really want to start building a second lowrider.