Well that was...easier than expected. First time builder. Some Questions

After ~217 hours of printing on my Ender 3 Pro (I know that’s longer than estimates, but slow and steady…makes a CNC not explode hopefully?) and then a week of procrastination, I built my first MPCNC over the last couple of nights. Cable management coming soon.

Went with the Rambo board option. I never expected it to be so musical haha. (Btw, is this a problem? Like the motor drivers not working properly? Or is this expected behavior?)

For now, just using a pen until I figure out some quirks. Actually, just one quirk. Sometimes, at the end of a file, it will just go NUTS, try to home to x max and y max, or just start drawing random shapes from the intended drawing. I can’t figure out the pattern, so I’m hoping somebody has seen this before and knows what’s going on. I’m generating the gcode with ESTLCam and printing with Repetier Host.

For example, here is an image that printed correctly as far as I can tell.

Here is that same image that went crazy when it was done. You can see the original is there, but then so much more…

From an artistic standpoint, I actually like it. However, I don’t like the MPCNC trying to run itself off of its own belts and chattering away while hitting endstops or axes maxes.

gcode here:
GodzillaDfm03.gcode (3.4 MB)

Appreciate any feedback, insight, and/or concerns.

And finally, per the docs, here’s a crown.

Overall I’m loving it. I have a Makita ready to go, but having a lot of fun with the pen. I might never have to write a holiday card again!



It looks like your toolpath is including some extra junk 4 or 5 meters away from the origin, causing you to hit the endstops and then draw over the top of Godzilla, even though the artwork does not have anything on top of Godzilla. I think there are probably extra patterns in your input SVG (or whatever) that are outside the window in Estlcam, so you are not seeing them. But when you bulk import the curves, they are getting picked up and included. I would think it would show in the tool path preview, so I can’t explain why it wouldn’t show there.

I use ncviewer.com to visualize toolpaths, so that might be helpful.

Overall, well done so far!


@jamiek - one of the finest gcode diagnosis wizards!

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And the noise from the steppers is normal.

Thanks for the replies, all!

@jamiek Ohh, that makes sense. I’ll definitely try that viewer. Thanks!
@jeffeb3 Thanks for clarifying about the noise

Say that 5 times fast!