Z-Align across wrong axis

Been trying to set up dual z, and z align on my lowrider. the problem i am having is that when commanding g34 it probes 2 points along the y axis instead of the x axis. Do i have my axis backwards or is there something in marlin I can change? I’ve changed Z_Stepper_orientation from 1 to 0 back to 1 with no change either time. i made my probe points:#define z_stepper_align_xy {{ 50, 250 }, { 1150, 250}} which i thought would solve the problem but i am currently stumped. 4x8 lowrider, rambo 1.4 board

That would be very cool if it works.

I have not tried any of that. Maybe someone can pop in with some help.

You may have to ask in the Marlin discourse.

If you find anything, please share here. Someone will be right on your heels, I’m sure.

i just upgraded my ender 3 with a skr2 and did the dual z with a bltouch and bed leveling. it works flawlessly, which is why this has been so frustrating. but i just realized , as im typing this, that it also aligns on the y axis. I am going to try tomorrow to swap x & y plugs on the board then swapping limits in marlin so y would be the cross travel and x being the length of the table. maybe I’m just overthinking things…

Well it was that simple. Swapped everything x and y then changed limits. Z align now probes across the table and auto bed leveling is working phenomenally. I am using a limit switch leftover from my ender3 and I can almost start g34 and walk away. Next question is; how do I check the compensation rate between directional change? I enabled it in the firmware but no way to tell if it’s working.