Bit of an accident

Ha, I use the table as a crutch when playing pool every time. A few beers later and sometimes two hands are required.

I bet a night out after all this ordeal felt amazing. Glad to see it!

Well, amazing is one word … my ankle is still complaining that I overdid it yesterday. But I’d do it again. :slight_smile:

This isn’t good idea to drive car at 100+ MPH. One accident will cause the whole life crying.

Yes, unfortunately I have no control over what the other drivers on the road do. :frowning:

And I hit a new milestone today… After ten weeks I was allowed to stand, and take a couple of assisted steps, on my actual feet without the boot. I’m not supposed to try it on my own at home yet, but hopefully that’ll show up after my next PT appointment next week.

Tap dancing in no time!

I’m more concerned with getting into the garage and running my MPCNC without worrying about taking a tumble. :slight_smile:

We are all friends here, you don’t have to keep you true passion from us.

Which is, if course, preaching on the street corners about the real truth. The Flat Earth.

While tap dancing.

Just seen this and it sucks being injured and being away from the things we love. Hope you get to high stepping again soon! Some might get the ref as the great old man would say it all the time. spent the last 1.5 recovering from a surgery that was supposed to make it better and then got to play guinea pig with medicines to help with the prior surgery problems and then the additional problems caused by the surgery.

Just keep the head up and do what you can, when you can! I got to learn a lot on youtube when I spent time off the feet!


Twelve weeks and counting…

[attachment file=53349]


Nice Bill! Thats awesome!

Bit of a set back today, my first really with this. They did some x-rays of the foot and found that two of the screws have broken and another was working it’s way in enough deeper to affect the adjoining bone. Back into surgery next Tuesday and off my feet again for at least two more weeks after that. :frowning:


Also, cringe. That must be painful.

Yeah, it kind of is… I went in early (appt with Ortho wasn’t until end of May) due to the change in pain. I was expecting the screw that had gone in farther, but not the broken ones. Yet more time before I can fire the MPCNC up to cut parts for the MP3DPv2. :wink:

That sucks. Friend of mine broke both bones in the bottom of his leg playing hockey. They had to cut on him three times to get it straightened out. Third time they ended up putting a titanium rod down the inside of the front bone, can’t remember what that one is called. The break was healing, but not together.

Ouch. Not that it truly makes you whole in a case like this, but I hope you had insurance against uninsured motorists. IIRC, something like 1 out of 3 drivers is driving uninsured.


Just feel lucky you’re alive! :slight_smile:

Yeah, the uninsured motorist portion paid for the initial ambulance trip to the hospital, almost. I’m still waiting to see how much insurance will cover of the rest. I’m at about $200k at last count. Good thing they can’t take the house…