Crown test gone wild!

Can you link to where you found your firnware? I’m not finding it.


That comment says that one version homes to the back, that might put it at Y=2000. So that solves that part of the mystery.

yes, sir. I kinda figured that to be correct.

Ok so i was able to bring Micheal s (TT) marlin file into platformio. I went ahead and built it just as he explains too in his video. But i’m getting a failed "LPC1768. any clue as to why? I’ll get to doing some research but its been one hell of a long weekend.

at90usb1286_cdc IGNORED

at90usb1286_dfu IGNORED




LPC1768 FAILED 00:00:01.572



melzi_optiboot IGNORED


sanguino_atmega644p IGNORED

sanguino_atmega1284p IGNORED




mks_robin IGNORED

black_stm32f407ve IGNORED

teensy35 IGNORED

malyanm200 IGNORED


fysetc_f6_13 IGNORED

linux_native IGNORED

==================== 1 failed, 0 succeeded in 00:00:01.572 ====================

This sure doesnt seem correct.

There is a more helpful error message higher up. Start with the first error.

I removed the .pioenvs like it said, Now its telling me unable to find destination disk (’+e +’)

I just want to save it to the file location I entered when i started the project. But… thats not happening.

I’m assuming the motherboard is incorrect and thus the reason why my skr isnt responding like it should
Or am I wrong here?

  • :[2400, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 250000, 500000, 1000000]
    #define BAUDRATE 250000

// Enable the Bluetooth serial interface on AT90USB devices
//#define BLUETOOTH

// The following define selects which electronics board you have.
// Please choose the name from boards.h that matches your setup

// Optional custom name for your RepStrap or other custom machine
// Displayed in the LCD “Ready” message
//#define CUSTOM_MACHINE_NAME “3D Printer”

// Define this to set a unique identifier for this printer, (Used by some

Motherboard is definitely not Ramps_14. Change it to BOARD_BIGTREE_SKR_V1_3

I have fixed everything that I can possibly think of, stepper motors, board, stepper drivers, HOME_BUMPs are set to where I like them. extruder temp set to 170… (found this in another post) endstops enabled. But now I get this message and its driving me crazy and of course I am unable to find anything about it

File “C:\Users\Chris\Downloads\mpcnc lowrider 2 - marlin 2.0 and mks tft firmware\marlin 2.0 - mpcnc lowrider2 - skr v1.3 tmc5160\Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_LPC1768\”, line 16

print '\nUnable to find destination disk (' + e + ')\n' \


SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Guys for the love of god, what am I doing wrong here? I’m pulling my hair out here.

Directory name is too long. Move the Marlin folder to C:\ or another root directory. Or just shorten both MPCNC directories a lot.

Care to explain how to do that, Edward?

navigate to your Downloads directory. Right click on the folder labeled "mpcnc … " and rename it to mpcnc. open it and do the same to "marlin 2.0… " to marlin2.

This looks like you’re trying to upload it from platformio. Just build it, get the firmware.bin, and put the .bin on the sd card.

I don’t think platformio has a problem with huge names.

I’ve changed it and still get

File “C:\Users\Chris\Desktop\Marlin2\marlin 2.0 - mpcnc lowrider2 - skr v1.3 tmc5160\Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_LPC1768\”, line 16

print '\nUnable to find destination disk (' + e + ')\n' \

tried just building it and I still get the same syntax error

Some details here on that error:

From there: “Marlin uses the script Marlin/src/HAL/HAL_LPC1768/ to locate the operating system drive that is the LPC1768 based SD card. For it to find the correct drive It looks for one of two things. A file called FIRMWARE.CUR in the root of the file system or a volume name of “REARM” If it find either of these it uses that drive.”