Crown test gone wild!

Same error evening after trying to force uploading.

Id be more than happy to send someone the file and see if they are able to build it.

Do you already have Marlin installed on the SKR1.3? If so, do you have the SD card installed in the defined slot, either display or onboard? If so, does the card have either/both a file named FIRMWARE.CUR in the root and/or the SD card named REARM?


I had a file on the board of a compiled file which i thought was the verison I needed, however, my crown test (see photos above) was competely wrong. Thus the reason i am trying to upload the board with new firmware from teaching tech. Which is were we are now, and thus the reason for this conversation.

But to answer your question, no there are no current files on the sd card on the board at the moment. Yes there is a card in the TFT display.

Make a text file, rename it firmware.cur and copy it to the SD card and try again…

a text file of what? I’m sorry I dont understand.

No eligible build target

ok so loaded a dummy firmware.cur file onto the SD and still same error.

Is there a configuration in platformio that i can change what directory i can save things too? Maybe missed something

The firmware has to be created before it’s uploaded. Here’s the default location: .pio/build/LPC1768/firmware.bin

i completely understand that, but the problem is, it wont create.

So if you don’t mind, I am going to give you a run down on how I am trying to compile marlin in platformio.

I open IO, > open project> select my project folder > open said project

Click build >

Warning! env_default configuration option in section [platformio] is deprecated and will be removed in the next release! Please use default_envs instead

Can not remove temporary directory C:\Users\Chris\Desktop\MARLIN2.0\.pioenvs. Please remove it manually to avoid build issues

Processing LPC1768 (platform:; framework: arduino; board: nxp_lpc1768)

Verbose mode can be enabled via -v, --verbose option


PLATFORM: NXP Arduino LPC176x 0.1.0 > NXP LPC1768

HARDWARE: LPC1768 100MHz, 31.97KB RAM, 464KB Flash

DEBUG: Current (cmsis-dap) On-board (cmsis-dap) External (blackmagic, jlink)

PACKAGES: toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi 1.80201.190214 (8.2.1), framework-arduino-lpc176x 0.1.3

Converting Marlin.ino

LDF: Library Dependency Finder ->

LDF Modes: Finder ~ off, Compatibility ~ strict

Found 5 compatible libraries

Scanning dependencies…

Dependency Graph

|-- 1.0.0

|-- 1.0.0

|-- 0.4

|-- 0.6.1

|-- 1.2.4

Building in release mode

File “C:\Users\Chris\Desktop\MARLIN2.0\Marlin\src\HAL\HAL_LPC1768\”, line 16

print '\nUnable to find destination disk (' + e + ')\n' \


SyntaxError: invalid syntax

========================== [FAILED] Took 1.47 seconds ==========================
========================== [FAILED] Took 1.47 seconds ==========================

Environment Status Duration

megaatmega2560 IGNORED

megaatmega1280 IGNORED

at90usb1286_cdc IGNORED

at90usb1286_dfu IGNORED




LPC1768 FAILED 00:00:01.471



melzi_optiboot IGNORED


sanguino_atmega644p IGNORED

sanguino_atmega1284p IGNORED




mks_robin IGNORED

black_stm32f407ve IGNORED

teensy35 IGNORED

malyanm200 IGNORED


fysetc_f6_13 IGNORED

linux_native IGNORED

==================== 1 failed, 0 succeeded in 00:00:01.471 ====================

ok so now interesting enough i commented out the env_default in the platformio.ini and it looks like its going to compile. its downloading some stuff now… but … nevermind it failed.

I may be crazy, but I don’t think it should even care about that file, since it is not trying to upload.

I never uploaded my firmware, I just copied the .bin. That looks like valid python to me, so I’m not sure why it would be a syntax error.

Ok so I;m getting the error Can not remove temporary directory C:\Users\Chris\Desktop\MARLIN2.0\.pioenvs. Please remove it manually to avoid build issues

Do i remove that from my folder on my PC or do I remove it on the platformio?

Doesn’t matter, I’ve tried both… This is freaking insane

any other ideas?

Are you using the firmware from teaching tech?

No, I like to configure it myself (glutton for punishment). I am also using TMC2209s.

Did you try closing platformio, then deleting the folder?

yes sir, sure have

let’s try another platform. Thats about the only thing i can think of is Atom isn’t capable of such a task…

I used Microsoft Visual Studio Code. I remember reading that atom wasn’t going to be supported much longer. Maybe that is the problem.

FWIW, I have my firmware in github, for my own satisfaction. I have not done much to confirm it works, but it draws a crown without doing donuts. Again, 2209 drivers, but here it is: