Display adapter for Ramps

Hi Ryan,
Sorry to throw a damper on the great job you have done with this but after much searching could use some help.

Order the kit along with the full graphics display and received the order last week. Everything looked until I started to look into wiring the display while I wait for the printer to finish printing the amazing array of parts.
The full graphics display included along two ribbon cables shown in the assembly docs but not the Ramps adapter board also shown in the docs.
Has there been a change in the assembly of this the removes the need for the adapter.
On the subject of assembly, I couldn’t find any details on this part of the machine.
Any help/light you can share on this would be greatly appreciated.
I would also like to suggest some general print setting recommendations for the parts. This could include %infill, wall thickness, layer thickness.

Jim Brooks

The new rambo doesn’t use an adaptor. That is for the older rambo and the ramps.

I thought the low rider parts page had all the infill and perimeter settings.

I have RAMPS 1.4 so I guess I need the adapter. With other things on thingiverse, the settings were in the main notes section and included any other considerations when printing the parts. I looked but then some people (my wife) have suggested I’m blind.

The parts page I was talking about was here:
